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Endless Mountains born and Happy Valley educated, I knew from a young age that my heart lay at the crossroads of storytelling and rural life. 


From the first speckled calf who stomped my toes and stole my eight-year-old heart, I was hooked on learning as much about food and farming as I possibly could, and sharing the incredibly important stories of agriculture and food with a population that grows further removed with each passing day. 


Pursuing a career in agricultural communications means so much more to me than a stable paycheck (although, yes, that'll be a beautiful thing for this broke college student): It's about promoting and preserving a way of life I was blessed enough to experience first-hand, about sharing the important journeys of our food and fiber from farm to plate, and, perhaps most importantly, of living a life where I am challenged each and every day to be, do, think and become a better advocate of modern agriculture and rural life. 


So, thanks again for taking the time to check out my little corner of the internet. Feel free to reach out at any time. I'd love to hear from you!



Contact me:


Cell: 570-396-5015







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